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Blog for my daughter Emma

My daughter Emma, born on Sept. 15, 2005, is a happy girl. We took many many pictures of her, and have a lot of interesting stories about her. This blog is dedicated to her.

星期一, 十二月 26, 2005


爸爸一直觉得冒冒重的出奇,抱上10分钟就胳膊酸肩膀疼。于是把冒冒的体重做了一个表格。中间绿色的部分是5%到95%之间婴儿的重量(根据"What to expect in the First Year"), 冒冒的生长曲线用紫色标出


胖 宝宝的确非常可爱,让爸爸妈妈觉得很放心,只是抱孩子成了一个重体力活。爸爸为了增加胳膊的力气,已经开始每天用哑铃锻炼。特别好玩的是,宝宝喜欢看我 锻炼。当爸爸累得气喘吁吁时,宝宝就会笑,于是爸爸就猛吸一口气,再做十几下动作。这样下来,效果很佳,超过以前边锻炼边看电视。



圣诞夜----- 宝宝100天

Time went by so fast. Emma is 100 days old today on Dec. 24, 2005. Today is also Christmas Eve, what a wonderful coincidence.

According to Chinese tradition, we should take pictures of her today. So we dressed her up with a lovely Santa's hat. Check this picture, isn't she beautiful?

To see more pictures, please click here.